Graeme Bunton

Graeme Bunton is the Executive Director of the NetBeacon Institute, an initiative dedicated to developing collaborative and innovative methods of reducing DNS abuse. Graeme has over 13 years of DNS policy experience. Prior to heading the NetBeacon Institute, he was the Head of Policy for Tucows and served as Chair of the Registrar Stakeholder Group for four years. Graeme was one of the driving forces behind the ‘Framework to Address Abuse’, a new set of guidelines and principles for addressing online harms, which was adopted by more than 50 registries and registrars. He helped found the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto, served on the Board of the Internet Infrastructure Coalition for 6 years, and is currently on the board of the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (.ca).

Brian Cimbolic

Brian is the Chief Legal and Policy Officer for Public Interest Registry (the non-profit registry operator for .ORG) and oversees its legal affairs and Anti-Abuse Program. Brian has been with PIR since 2014.

Brian is also Coordinator of the Internet and Jurisdiction Policy Network’s Domains and Jurisdiction Program. Brian was one of the co-creators of the Framework to Address Abuse and one of its primary authors.

Brian graduated from the Catholic University of America for his undergraduate work, and earned his JD from American University, Washington College of Law.

Rowena Schoo

Rowena is Director, Programs and Policy at the NetBeacon Institute. Prior to joining the Institute, she worked for Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator, Nominet UK, and the UK government at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Rowena has over a decade of experience in and around policy, and holds two degrees – Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and Bachelor of Arts (International Relations and Political Science) – from the Australian National University (ANU).

Samantha Demetriou

Samantha Demetriou is the Senior Director of Policy at Verisign, the registry operator for .com, .net, and other generic top-level domains. Samantha specializes in internet governance and the development of policies that impact the internet’s Domain Name System (DNS). She has been actively involved with ICANN and other multistakeholder forums for over 10 years and currently serves as the Chair of ICANN’s Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG). In addition to managing Verisign’s policy interests, Samantha has also advised business and multinational corporations on using domain names to protect their brands online. Samantha holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree from Georgetown University in Washington, DC.

Rodrigo de la Parra

Rodrigo de la Parra is ICANN’s Vice President for Stakeholder Engagement and Managing Director for Latin America & Caribbean; he was appointed in January, 2012. He was previously ICANN’s Manager of Regional Relations for Latin America. Rodrigo joined ICANN in January 2011, and was responsible for outreach, support, and engagement with all stakeholders in the Latin America. According to ICANN CEO Rod Beckstrom, Rodrigo de la Parra’s success in that role prepared him for his promotion to regional Vice President, which is a new position.

Rodrigo is also a lecturer of International Organizations and Economic Negotiations, and is a consultant to the Latin American Cooperation for Advanced Networks (CLARA)

Daniel Fink

Daniel Fink es el Director de Participación de Partes Interesadas para Brasil en la ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). Ha estado con ICANN desde mayo de 2014, inicialmente como Gerente de Participación de Partes Interesadas. Antes de unirse a ICANN, Fink fue el Director Ejecutivo de NETmundial 2014, un evento significativo en la gobernanza de Internet.

En su rol actual, Fink se enfoca en fomentar la participación y el compromiso de las partes interesadas en Brasil, trabajando para asegurar la estabilidad, seguridad e interoperabilidad de Internet en la región.

¿Te gustaría saber más sobre su trabajo o sobre la ICANN en general?

¹: ICANNWiki

Raúl Querey

Raul es miembro fundador de Internet Society – Capítulo Paraguay y del Centro de Emprendimientos para Latinoamérica y el Caribe (CEILAC), su formación de base es ingeniería en telecomunicaciones y se especializó en Auditoría y Seguridad de la Información en la Universidad Nacional de Asunción y en Economía de la Innovación (CONACYT – IDB). Tiene vasta experiencia en televisión digital terrestre y satelital, tecnología para telemedicina, IOT y actualmente trabaja para el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología como Oficial de Seguridad de la Información. Participó en la redacción de la Política Nacional de Investigación en Salud, Política de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación y de la encuesta “Go – spin Paraguay” sobre sistemas científicos de la UNESCO.